Following an unprecedented year, Tasteful Selections® takes the time to enjoy the little things

Following an unprecedented year, Tasteful Selections® takes the time to enjoy the little things
Posted January 7, 2021 Company News

Tasteful Selections begins new campaign to celebrate the little joys in the New Year

Fan Feature Friday graphicArvin, Calif. — If there is something most can agree on, it is that we all are ready for a new year. The last 12 months tested businesses, families and the country in new ways, yet we discovered new ways to adapt. One thing is certain: 2020 caused Tasteful Selections® to reflect on and appreciate all the little things that are important to our team.

It was the little wins, the little celebrations, the little things that helped us get through an unparalleled year. Those little things are what inspired the newest Tasteful Selections campaign.

“Our campaign was inspired by our employees, essential workers of all kinds, communities who banded together and — of course — our small, bite-size potatoes,” said Tim Huffcutt, Vice president of Sales & Marketing Operations. “Despite the challenges our team and families faced, it was always the little moments of reliably showing up, problem solving and resiliency that helped everyone persevere.

“We were inspired during a year of unprecedented challenges and demand for our product by the positive attitude and flexibility of our team members,” Huffcutt added. “We experienced a successful growing year and observed our community’s first responders and healthcare workers rallying during a time of great societal need.

“We want to acknowledge and celebrate all the little things people do on a daily basis to forge ahead and embrace life.”

Throughout the 2021 campaign, Tasteful Selections will be appreciating all the little things with prize giveaways and monthly opportunities to win free potatoes. New inspirational content — recipes and meal prep videos from users as well as Tasteful Selections — will be released throughout the year to inspire and for sharing with others.

On the first Friday of every month, Tasteful Selections will feature consumer-made Tasteful Selections bite-size potato recipes.

By tagging Tasteful Selections on Instagram, consumers’ bite-size potato recipes can be featured on the Tasteful Selections website, social pages and win FREE potatoes in the newest potato giveaway, #FanFeatureFriday.

Take time to celebrate the little things with Tasteful Selections in the New Year! For more details, visit